Quality And Long-Term Development

Certifications, Attestations


With the help of our European partners, Dual Man offers products and services to internationally certified quality standards, for an organic and sustained growth as a reliable and highly effective metal works supplier.

We accumulated a rich and varied professional experience, we designed and executed a diverse range of products and works and we participated – in the capacity of general contractor, subcontractor, or supplier – in numerous infrastructure modernization projects for dynamic fields with a significant economic impact: telecommunications, automotive industry, construction, transport, logistics and warehousing, industrial maintenance.


Integrated Management System

For the successful fulfilment of its mission, Dual Man maintains and continuously improves an integrated management system for quality, environment and occupational health and safety, based on the requirements of standards EN ISO 9001:2015, EN ISO 14001:2015 and EN ISO 45001:2018.

We hold agreements, homologations, authorizations and certificates required under the law for specific domains:

  • Technical agreements and homologations for railroad (AFER – Romanian Railroad Authority)
  • Authorization as railroad supplier;
  • Accreditation of physical and mechanical trial laboratory;
  • Agreement for corrosion protection by hot-dip galvanizing;
  • Homologation certificate for steel telecom towers, sub-station containers / GSMR / CE, metal poles for lighting, metal posts for catenary lines;
  • Agreement and technical approval for manufacturing metal fences for public roads.

The integrated management system is the basis of several certifications and authorizations for Dual Man:

ISO 9001 Quality Management
ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management
ISO 14001 Environment Management
EN 1090-2 EXC3 Certification of Factory Production Control (FPC)
EN 3834-2 Welding certification for steel structures
EN 15085-2 cl1 Certification of welding for production of railway vehicles, sub-assemblies, and sub-units
EN 40-5 Certificate of constancy of performance for street lighting columns
DAST Guideline 022 Certificate of conformity for hot-dip galvanizing (Germany)


Assuring for our products and services a level of quality excellence is central to the overall policy of Dual Man as developed and implemented at the management level and throughout the organization.

In this respect, the management of Dual Man recognizes the role and importance of the integrated management system according to the standards for quality, environmental and occupational health and safety, placing the highest priority to its upholding and continuous improvement.


Dan Grămadă